SickKids-Rotman Quality and Process Improvement Program

Course Aim

The goal of the joint Quality and Process Improvement Program is to develop individuals and teams within healthcare organizations and provide them with the tools to solve problems and improve performance related to the quality of healthcare delivery.

Program Overview

The Hospital for Sick Children, world renowned paediatric hospital, and the Rotman School of Management, Canada’s leading business school have come together to offer the SickKids-Rotman Quality and Process Improvement Program providing participants and their organizations with comprehensive education, training and support for quality improvement in the context of healthcare organizations. Registration for the executive program is open to teams/groups from healthcare organizations locally, nationally and internationally.

Benefits for Participants:

Change Management

Discover a spectrum of proven best practices, innovative ideas and pragmatic decision-making frameworks for leading change related to quality and process improvement in your organization. Develop and begin to implement a customized change model specific to your organizational vision and quality goals.

Strategic Thinking

Develop a plan to provide the best value to stakeholders and gain new strategies and ways of thinking to drive organizational change in quality and process improvement within your healthcare organization. Communicate to set the right direction for transformation of care delivery.

Quality and Process Improvement in Healthcare

Expand participant knowledge in the latest methods, tools and challenges in organizational quality and process improvement. Healthcare-specific scenarios will be used to explore the complex nature of quality issues and challenges. Understand what your patients want and begin to consider new processes to ensure consistent care delivery and maximize use of available resources.

Benefits for Organizations:

Open Discussion with Expert Faculty

Gain access to a dynamic group of SickKids and Rotman Leadership for personalized feedback and support for skill development and measurement of quality metrics throughout the five day program.

Sustainable Leadership

Develop in-house leaders and their capacity to mobilize quality and process improvement methods to lead successful change initiatives throughout your organization.

Enhanced Patient Care and Patient Experience

Achieve measurable increases in quality of patient care and maximize workflow as individuals and teams develop skills to maintain the Continuous Improvement Program within their own individualized practice setting.

Course Information:


5-day workshop

Minimum participants required is 40 with a maximum of 50


Teams and groups of healthcare Executives, Directors and Managers. Currently not available to individuals.

For More Information Please Contact Us