SickKids Interprofessional Paediatric Sedation Course

Course Aim

The aim of this course is to support healthcare professionals in developing the knowledge and skills required for safe care, administration and monitoring of sedation in the paediatric population.

Program Overview

The SickKids Interprofesssional Paediatric Sedation Course is designed to educate and further develop the knowledge and skills of those delivering sedation agents for procedural care. The course is relevant to any healthcare professional responsible for the assessment and monitoring of sedated patients before, during and post-procedure, including (but not limited to): registered nurses, anesthesia assistants, respiratory therapists and physicians.   The course training is highly interactive and hands on, using simulated patient scenarios and practice stations to allow learners to develop skills and abilities in preparation of patients for procedural sedation, rapid response assessment, simple airway management, and medication preparation.

The Interprofessional Paediatric Sedation course is suitable for members of a dedicated sedation team or individuals providing sedation in both inpatient and ambulatory settings. As sedation providers collaborate and work in teams to provide procedural sedation, the course focuses on sedation team roles and dynamics, and standardized models for communication during sedation to achieve a shared mental model.  This is a competency-based education course.  Learners will be asked to complete a paediatric sedation certification logbook during dedicated precepted time within their own institution.  Expert faculty can provide consultation on the necessary requirements for completion of the certification logbook and dedicated precepted time.

This training can be further customized to meet the specific request and unique needs of your healthcare organization.  In addition, expert faculty in paediatric sedation are available to learners in order to provide clinical mentorship and support for trainees to transition knowledge on site, in their local patient care environments.

Course elements include:

  • E-module series (4 modules)
  • 1 day in classroom curriculum
  • Lecture series (3 lectures)
  • Problem-based small-group case discussions
  • Simulation scenarios
  • Video-based case review
  • Multi-station task-training
  • Post-workshop knowledge assessment (MCQ format)
  • Evaluation form and Certification Log Book

For more information on upcoming course delivery please contact

Benefits for Participants:

Impactful Instruction

Build confidence and competency in the knowledge of sedation medications, recovery and emergency resuscitation. Enjoy immersion in case-specific senarios and sedation-focused instruction.

Advanced Paediatric Sedation Knowledge and Skills

Deliver advanced care for paediatric patients undergoing moderate/deep sedation as aligned with current best-practice paediatric sedation guidelines.

Benefits for Organizations:

Safe and Sustainable Practice Changes

Support individuals and teams to provide high-quality sedation care for paediatric patients across the organization.

Holistic Family Engagement

Engage patients and families through client centred practices in health education and discharge planning.

Course Information:


eLearning, 1-day in class workshop and precepted sedation experience Duration subject to change based on organizational needs.


Nurses, physicians, Anesthesia assistants, respiratory therapists, educators, nurse practitioners and other health care providers.

For More Information Please Contact Us