Course Aim
The aim of this training is to develop pharmacy professionals with advanced paediatric knowledge and expertise in medication use systems services.
Program Overview
The delivery of pharmacotherapeutic services to children as a patient population requires high-calibre educational programs in order to improve the outcomes of child health around the world. At SickKids, our specialty training programs revolve around the care of children and the outcomes of that care.
The Medication Use Systems Practice Experience offers a wide variety of experiences for pharmacists, designed to provide training and expertise in medication use systems. Learners will be prepared to support drug distribution systems in the delivery of pharmaceutical care to paediatric patients. Learners will be provided with research support and a strong focus on leadership skills with customized learning plans and dedicated mentorship. This program is highly adaptable and may be customized to fit your unique organizational context.
Benefits for Participants:
Activities Embedded in Medication Delivery
Exposure to the scope of the medication system at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, through a diverse array of activities in production service. Learning activities include (but are not limited to): service knowledge in production service of unit dose pre-packaging, order entry and medication supply.
Order Entry Processes
Review all aspects of prescription order entry, computerized entry programs, order review processes and medication supply inclusive of policies and procedures that support order entry at the Hospital.
Paediatric Compounding Services
Develop a background in specialty knowledge related to paediatric formulations. Translate this knowledge to practice through observation of preparation of extemporaneously compounded products and completion of Paediatric Compounding Training and Certification.
Benefits for Organizations:
Develop Change Innovators
Support pharmacists to return with new knowledge and ideas to implement change and drive growth in paediatric pharmacotherapeutic services within your organization.
Diverse Global Networking
Engage pharmacy leaders in your organization to maximize their individual development through access to SickKids pharmacy faculty in a diverse range of paediatric clinical practice areas.
Course Information:
5 weeks
Dependent on individual learning objectives and organizational context
Professional Pharmacists