Leadership Every Day for Nursing and Interprofessional Leaders

Course Aim

This program aims to enhance the leadership competencies of healthcare leaders in order to advance organizational performance and improve patient outcomes.

Program Overview

The Leadership Every Day workshop aims to enhance the leadership competencies of healthcare leaders in order to envision, embody and enable best practice environments, enhance workplace cultures, and advance organizational performance in order to improve patient outcomes.

This 2-day interactive workshop is designed to provide leaders in your organization with the opportunity to reflect on how to lead effective teams and create best practice environments. This program will facilitate self-reflection about leadership; provide a clinical coaching framework; and support the use of design thinking to leverage innovation, clinical change and continuous improvement processes. Participants will engage in simulation experiences to practice and refine their new knowledge and skills during small group sessions. These simulations will support participants to transfer new knowledge into their leadership practice within their respective organization.

Leadership Every Day is designed for Nurses and Interprofessional Clinicians, Healthcare Educators, Healthcare Managers and Directors. Participants are encouraged to register as dyads or teams in order to support the integration and sustainability of day to day strategy use following the program.  Beyond the course, additional leadership coaching and mentoring is also available on site at SickKids according to individual participant and organizational needs.

Benefits for Participants:

Leadership Competencies

Learn to effectively manage healthcare teams through the use of strategies designed to enhance accountability. Develop skills to effectively communicate when coaching others through change processes within the clinical setting.

Case-based Learning

Build knowledge and desired skills through simulation and reflective practice.

Communication Techniques

Learn and practice effective communication strategies related to leading highly effective teams and creating and sustaining best practice environments.

Network Locally and Globally

Create a network of resources within your organization, and from SickKids, to advance best practice environments and ensure sustainability of participants’ leadership practices over time.

Benefits for Organizations:

Build Leadership Capacity

Position you organization’s leaders to enhance performance within their teams and across your organization.

Advance Quality Patient Care

Enhance quality of patient care through the integration of clinical improvement processes that facilitate clinical change to advance patient care outcomes.

Course Information:


2 days

Two full days of interactive small-group leadership sessions. Duration is also subject to organizational needs.
Participants are encouraged to register as dyads or teams in order to support their uptake of strategies in their day to day practice following the program.
Beyond the course, additional Leadership coaching and mentoring is also available on site at SickKids according to organizational needs.

  • Participants are encouraged to register as pairs or teams in order to support their uptake of strategies in their day to day practice following the program.
  • Beyond the course, additional leadership coaching and mentoring is also available on site at SickKids according to organizational needs.


Nurses, Interprofessional Clinicians, Healthcare Educators, Healthcare Managers and Directors

For More Information Please Contact Us