Course Aim
The aim of this program is to develop dietitians with advanced paediatric knowledge and expertise in clinical nutrition practice within the subspecialty of their choice.
Program Overview
The Advanced Clinical Dietetics Experience offers a variety of experiences for dietitians, lactation consultants and other healthcare professionals that have been developed to support international learners in the acquisition of knowledge and expertise in paediatric clinical dietetic best practices. Learners will be provided with interactive learning opportunities and a strong focus on leadership skills in addition to customized learning plans and a dedicated mentor on site at SickKids in Toronto. Learners will also be supported in knowledge translation practice in order to ensure the uptake of new knowledge into patient care at their home organization. Learners will be provided with skill development support and a strong focus on leadership skills. This program is highly adaptable and may be customized to fit your unique organizational context.
Benefits for Participants:
Clinical Service Rotations in Toronto
Engage in hospital-based experiences in a diverse array of clinical activities and paediatric patient care areas including (but not limited to): General Paediatrics, Surgical Services, GI, Neonatology, Metabolics, Endocrinology, Critical Care, Cystic Fibrosis, Eating Disorders and Childhood Obesity Management.
Leadership Development
Maximize individual leadership potential via exposure to principles of management necessary for high quality delivery of nutrition services. Learning opportunities will include the role of the dietetics educator, management and the role of the department as leaders within the healthcare organization.
Benefits for Organizations:
Develop Change Innovators
Support dietitians to return with new knowledge and ideas to implement change and drive growth in paediatric nutrition services within your organization.
Diverse Global Networking
Engage leaders in your organization to maximize their individual development through access to SickKids dietetics faculty in a diverse range of paediatric clinical practice areas.
Course Information:
2- 5 weeks
Dependent on individual learning objectives and organizational context
Dietitians, Lactation Consultants and other healthcare professionals